Team Mississippi consists of individuals from across the state who have received life-saving transplants, are living donors, or may be family of a donor, as well as transplant professionals and advocates.
Team Mississippi was created in 1998 as a way to support transplant recipients who go to the Donate Life Transplant Games every two years. The transplant games encourage recipients to focus on becoming healthier by becoming more active. Currently our team consists of over 100 individuals representing our state and we are continuing to grow.
Teams Mississippi’s mission is:
To educate the public on the benefits of transplantation and the need for organ donor registrations.
To encourage team member to achieve a healthier lifestyle by staying active and competing in the Donate Life Transplant Games.
As a not-for-profit 501c3, we raise funds to help members throughout the state with the cost to participate in the Donate Life Transplant Games.
Assist Kids/Pediatric Transplant patients with social interaction through sports.
Honoring and recognizing donor families & living donors through competitions.
About the Transplant Games of America
Every two years the Transplant Games of America gathers together thousands of transplant recipients, living donors, donor families, individuals on the waiting list, caregivers, transplant professionals, supporters and spectators for the world’s largest celebration of life. During this truly unique and inspiring week, 40 state teams and several international teams (i.e. Brazil, Australia, India), made up of transplant recipients and living donors, compete in twenty athletic and recreational competitions. In addition to these medaling events, there are over sixty special events held throughout the Games meant for all attendees to enjoy. These events not only serve as an opportunity for donor families, recipients, living donors and professionals to engage with one another and share stories, but it celebrates donors who gave the selfless gift of life. At the Transplant Games, recipients are given the chance to show the world that having a transplant is a second chance at a full, productive, and inspiring life as well as display to their donor families what their gift means to them.